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Emergency Building Fund

​ReachBack Foundation Inc has a life and community changing opportunity to purchase a facility for 3.5 Million Dollars. The building total combined square footage is 37,968 and sits on 4.21 acres. This building will be used for a Nursing School, Training for Veterans, Shelter for women and children, youth mentoring, job training and placement, college preparation, homeless prevention and resource center. We will be taking people off of welfare to self-sufficient careers.

Ready 4 school

Working together with our community partners. The ReachBack Foundation was able to provide kids with school supplies, food, shoes, clothing and toiletries

ReachBack Summer Food Program 

Through our Youth Enrichment Program. The kids were taught life skills,anti bullying,building  self-esteem, financial literacy,  character building and basketball training camp.



UPCOMING EVENTS FOR SPONSORSHIP: 02/082025 4Roots Health Fair. 02/22/2025 Jones High School Tiger Pride Day Event. We are providing the community with free food.

Donate ZELLE 321-217-7017 Sandra Henry 

  • 5:24

We Give A Fish While Teaching How To Fish So They Can Own The Pond

ReachBack Foundation Sandra Henry Radio Interview

  • 2:37

  • 26:45


Feeding The Homeless

 The ReachBack Foundation provides hot nutritional balance meals for the homeless. Collard greens mac & cheese, bake chicken and barbecue. Food they are missing from a home cooked meal.. Prepared with love and compassion.

Dr. Sandra Henry

Jazmen Smith Summertime